Sunday, October 12, 2008

just another tranquil day in Florence!

The Fiesole Etruscan tomb was a very cool part of our trek yesterday, we got home late from the market and were a bit rushed to prepare dinner.

It was not special but I think everyone agreed it was delicious, and it was all about the sauce. Katherine Medici would have been so very proud.
I used a wok and stir fried garlic, shallots and lots of peppers with some cubed pork. The pasta had already been cooked and set aside, just tossed with a bit of olive oil and covered.
As the pork browned, I added a healthy splash of Prosecco (one for the cook, one for the pot, one more for the cook!) and a cube of the Porcini bouillon, 2-3 T of reduced Balsamico, 2 nice big spoonfulls of Gorgonzola Dolce (so incredible here, but you can find it a home as well!) and about a cup of the fresh tomato sauce. Th combination of tomato, gorgonzola and the mushroom is exceptional; no one element makes a statement but the combination is lovely and rich.

We spent a lovely Sabato seeking quiet and solitude in Florence with about 30K other tourists seeking the same.

Funny thing.

A visit to San Lorenzo, one of the sunniest churches in the city was the center of our walk and then we stopped at the Piazza Liberte before coming home to begin preparations for our Grande Dinner (stuffed pork loin and a pear tarte - more later!

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